Rodent Control

Our UK’s professional Rodent control services safeguard your property from rodent infestations and the associated damage. We’re here to help you maintain a pest-free environment with our distinguished rodent pest removal methods.

Rodents presence can spell trouble in homes and commercial spaces because rodents are notorious for their destructive habits, including gnawing and burrowing. They can damage pipes, cause flooding, and chew through cables, leading to power outages and fire risks. Their constant need to gnaw can harm surfaces like wood, metal, pipes, and cables.

Types of Rodents Found in the UK

In the United Kingdom, there are two distinct species of rats. The more prevalent of the two is Rattus norvegicus, commonly known as:

Black Rats

Black Rats are relatively scarce in the UK, with sporadic sightings primarily occurring in shipping ports. Known for their agility, they may occasionally nest in roof spaces or attics when encountered.

Brown Rat or Common Rat

Brown Rats seek habitats that offer food, water, and shelter access. In residential settings, they are known to inhabit roof spaces, wall cavities, or spaces beneath floorboards. 

They burrow into grassy banks in outdoor environments such as gardens and take shelter beneath sheds. 

The presence of rat holes adjacent to solid structures indicates their nesting sites. Additionally, Brown Rats are frequently found residing within sewer systems.

Recognizing The Signs of Rat Infestation

Recognizing the presence of rats in a given environment is essential for effective rodent pest control. Several indicators can help identify the existence of rats in an area.

Footprints and Tail Marks

In dusty or seldom-used building areas, rats may leave behind footprints or tail marks, offering further evidence of their activity.

Gnawing Marks

Rats are prolific chewers, and their gnawing can result in distinctive marks on various surfaces, including electrical cables, woodwork, plastic, brick, and lead pipes. Additionally, torn bags of foodstuff and other materials may indicate their presence.

Rat Droppings

One of the most common signs of rat activity is the discovery of their feces. Rat droppings are typically dark and pellet-shaped, resembling large grains of rice. Rats deposit their droppings in specific areas, often repeatedly using the same location. In a single night, they can leave behind a substantial amount, with up to 30-40 droppings being common.

Audible Signs

Rats are not silent creatures; their activities may produce distinct sounds. They can often be heard scratching, gnawing, and scuttling around.

Smear Marks

Rats can leave a greasy residue, called “smear marks,” on walls and surfaces. These marks result from their fur rubbing against surfaces as they navigate their way to their nests or search for food.

Key Characteristics of Rodents

Size and Physical Structure: Most rodents are characterized by their small size, robust bodies, short limbs, and long tails.

Dietary Variability: Rodents primarily follow herbivorous diets, feeding on seeds, grains, roots, and leaves. However, some rodents display adaptability as omnivores, incorporating insects, fish, meat, and plant matter into their dietary preferences.

Unique Incisor Teeth: Rodents are distinguished by their continuously growing incisor teeth, which are sharp and require constant gnawing to maintain a proper length. These teeth serve multiple functions, including excavation, defense, and creating openings.

Key Characteristics of Rodents

Rodent Categorization

Rodents can be classified into three primary groups based on their habitats and behaviors:


Suited for extended periods of swimming and feeding in water, these rodents exploit aquatic and terrestrial food sources.

Fossorial (Diggers)

Adapted for digging, these rodents spend part of their lives underground in burrows during the day, emerging to forage on the surface.


These rodents have evolved to thrive in tree-dwelling environments and woodlands.

Health Hazard Cause By Rodents

Here are two examples of damage caused by rodents:

Health Hazards Caused By Mouse

Rats are carriers of diseases, including salmonellosis and leptospirosis (Weil’s disease). Weil’s disease, caused by bacteria spread through rat urine, can contaminate water sources like ponds and canals, remaining infectious for months.

Health Hazards Caused By Mice

Mice can also transmit disease-causing micro-organisms onto food or food-contact surfaces through their feet, bodies, droppings, and urine.

Contact Us To Acquire Rodent Pest Control Services Throughout the UK!

Don’t delay; schedule a meeting with Pest Control Company UK for rodent removal today to eliminate potential health hazards within your home or business. Our local pest technicians are available throughout the UK, ensuring you receive swift and effective rodent control services near you.

Rodent Removal Methods Used By Our Team



Our experienced technicians strategically place bait areas in the most heavily infested locations, utilizing various rodent traps for rodent removal. These rodent pest control traps are designed to be humane, allowing us to capture rodents for subsequent release at a safer location safely.


Biological Control

This rodent control method harnesses natural pathogens and predators to target rodents effectively. The safe release of these biological agents is a key element of this approach.


Poisoned Baiting

It involves carefully placing toxic baits in areas with high vermin activity. This rodent removal method is employed with the utmost caution to minimize the risk of harm to non-target animals. Our priority is to ensure the safety of other wildlife while addressing the rodent issue effectively.


Sealing and Exclusion

Rodent removal professionals identify and seal entry points used by rodents to prevent further infestations. They may also recommend structural modifications to reduce access.

Helpful Techniques For Rodent Removal

Maintain Cleanliness and Hygiene

  • Keep your house or commercial properties clean and free from food debris, especially kitchens and dining areas. Sweep and mop floors, wipe down countertops, and wash dishes promptly to eliminate food sources for rodents.
  • Store food items in airtight containers. This prevents rodents from accessing and contaminating your food supply.
  • Dispose of garbage in secure, lidded bins inside and outside your property.
  • If you have pets, avoid leaving their food out overnight. Pick up any leftover pet food and store it securely.

Seal Potential Entry Points 

  • Inspect your rooms, garden, kitchen, and offices thoroughly for any gaps, cracks, or holes that rodents could use as entry points.
  • Seal identified gaps and cracks using caulk, steel wool, or hardware cloth. Install door sweeps or weather stripping on exterior doors to close gaps at the bottom, which can serve as entry points.

Remove Attractants

  • Trim overgrown grass on your lawn, bushes, and tree branches near your property, as these can provide rodents with hiding spots and easy access to your building.
  • Position bird feeders away from your home or use squirrel-proof designs. Spilled birdseed can attract rodents.
  • Keep firewood, construction materials, and clutter away from the exterior of your property. These items can create shelter for rodents.
  • Repair any leaks or water sources that might attract rodents. Ensure that your property’s drainage systems are functioning properly.

We provide protection against these common pests, and more.

Black Rats

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Black Rats

Brown Rat or Common Rat

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Brown Rats
