Bird Control

Our team of bird control specializes in conducting precise surveys and crafting highly effective deterrent systems. Our bird removal proactive approach helps prevent bird-related damage and disturbances, ensuring a long-term solution.

Contact us today to arrange a survey, and our team will thoroughly assess your needs, offering professional bird proofing advice on the most appropriate bird pest control solution.

4 Most Common Bird Pest In the UK


Gulls, often considered pests, can inflict structural damage, create sanitation issues through their droppings, and disrupt urban environments. Their presence can also lead to potential health risks for the public.

Feral Pigeons

Feral pigeons are a common pest bird species known for their ability to cause structural damage to buildings, transmit diseases, and leave unsightly waste, posing sanitation and health concerns in both commercial and residential areas. Managing pigeon control methods is essential for property, public health, and a friendly environment.

bird removal


Crows, as opportunistic feeders, can disrupt environments and agricultural settings, potentially causing crop damage and aiding in the spread of pests. Managing crow populations is crucial to mitigate these adverse effects.


Starlings can become pests when they roost in buildings, deface structures with their droppings, and carry diseases that may pose health threats to humans. 

The Growing Challenges of Bird Control UK

Bird pest control and bird removal are becoming increasingly crucial as the risks associated with pest birds continue to escalate. Feral pigeons and gull populations are on the upswing, particularly in urban areas, including inner-city environments. 

Furthermore, environmental factors have prompted some rural pest bird species to migrate to urban settings, exacerbating the issue. Our commitment extends beyond providing effective pigeon control solutions; we also prioritize education and advice to combat the pervasive pest bird problem confronting our nation today.

Our team of expert bird control specialists in the UK is highly trained. They hold certifications such as IPAF and PASMA, which are especially vital for bird pest control work conducted at significant heights. This rigorous training ensures that the Bird Control UK team executes all bird control and bird proofing measures professionally and safely.

Our Effective Bird Pest Control Solutions in the United Kingdom

Our certified team of bird control specialists offers a range of effective bird deterrent methods to address your specific needs. These include:

Shooting Programmes

Controlled shootings are sometimes necessary to manage large bird populations, particularly in rural areas where other methods may be less effective or safe.

Bird Spikes

Bird spikes are a non-lethal, humane method to deter birds from perching or roosting on ledges, signs, and other surfaces. They discourage birds without causing harm.

Bird Netting

Bird netting is a versatile and humane solution that creates physical barriers to prevent birds from accessing certain areas. It’s ideal for protecting buildings, crops, and public spaces.

Wire Method

Wire systems are a popular and effective bird control method to discourage birds from perching or nesting in specific areas. These systems create an unstable landing surface, making it challenging for birds to find a stable footing.

Trapping Programmes

Trapping is an effective method for capturing and relocating specific bird species that may be causing problems. It’s a humane approach to bird control.

Contact Our Bird Removal Specialists For Bird Proofing

Pest birds can pose significant issues, so taking action is essential. Our Bird Control UK team is prepared to assist you in addressing any pest bird problem and preventing their return. Pest control company UK is just a phone call away. Don’t hesitate to reach out to us today for effective bird control UK services.

We provide protection against these common pests, and more.

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Feral Pigeons

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